Spatie laravel analytics packagist

Spatie laravel analytics packagist. Chances are that if you're working in a Laravel project, you'll want to A Laravel package to retrieve Google Analytics data, with a bugfix for Laravel 8 and PHP 8. This package provides annotations to automatically register routes. You must publish and run the migrations with: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " ciphersweet-migrations " php artisan migrate. 3. This package will add HTML before and after each rendered view, so you immediately know to which Blade view / component to go to change the output. We recommend to only use this transport in non-production environments. It has these public properties: command: the command string that will be executed; process: the instance of Symfony\Component\Process\Process that will be used to execute the command; README. UNFINISHED & NOT ON PACKAGIST! Keeps track of the original UTM (or other analytics) parameters. Under the hood it uses Chromium to generate PDFs from Blade views. Publish and run the database migrations: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\MailTemplates\MailTemplatesServiceProvider "--tag= " migrations " If you want to use the default MailTemplate model, all that's left to do is run php artisan migrate to README. If you're working on a non-Laravel project, you can use the framework agnostic version. Toggle navigation Packagist The PHP Package Repository. If you've found a bug regarding security please mail security@spatie. Testing composer test Changelog. composer require spatie/laravel-database-mail-templates. Chances are that if you're working in a Laravel project, you'll want to Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel 9 and above (using Flysystem v3 and its own GCS adapter). Optionally, you can publish the config file with: Packagist maintenance and Just a simple port of the spatie/laravel-analytics package re-worked for CakePHP ^4. Credits. 1,000+ Contributors on Github. But in case you need a history of status changes or need to store some extra info on why a status changed, just adding a single Laravel Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol. Optionally you can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\ViewComponents\ViewComponentsServiceProvider "--tag= " config " Usage outside Laravel. When using Artisan's Tinker command it can be quite bothersome having to type the fully qualified classname to do something simple. Laravel will automatically discover and register the service provider. Rinvex Subscriptions is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your This package is auto-updated. You can read more info on the legislation on the site of the European Commission. You can support us by buying one of our paid products. Easily debug Laravel apps. If you want to use another log level, you can just call the method you README Create zip files containing personal data. Optionally, you can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " login-link-config " This is the contents of the published config file: use Spatie \ LoginLink \ Http \ Controllers \ LoginLinkController; return [ /* * Login links will only work in composer require spatie/laravel-mail-preview Configuring the mail transport. x of this package. Laravel Export will scan your app and create an HTML page from every URL it crawls. Google Analytics integration for Filament (FilamentAdmin). A view model is a class where you can put some complex logic for your views. Your models' migrations should have a field to save the generated slug to. Upgrades spatie/laravel-analytics to v5. This package provides a simple way to capture site analytics within your existing Laravel application. composer require spatie/laravel-remote. php: // a Laravel specific base class use Spatie \ Enum \ Laravel \ Enum; /** * @method static self DRAFT() * @method static self PREVIEW() * @method static self PUBLISHED() * @method static self ARCHIVED() */ final class StatusEnum extends Enum {} Model Attribute casting. In the case of Alert::class, it can be referenced in views as <x-spatie-alert />, where spatie is A set of useful Laravel collection macros. Support us. This package offers a trait that allows you to add flags to an Eloquent model. This Laravel package creates a backup of your application. This package is a lightweight solution to summarize changes in your database over time. This package is an add-on for spatie/laravel-mailcoach that can process the feedback given by SES. This event will be fired right before a task will be started. Pratik Add an `all` or `none` robots header to your requests via a middleware in Laravel README < head > < title >Preloading things</ title > @preload </ head > This package exposes a @preload Blade directive that renders preload and prefetch links based on the contents in mix-manifest. x or old PHP versions? facade/ignition is still compatible. If you need Laravel 8 support, you can install v2 of the package using composer require spatie/laravel-schedule-monitor:^2. spatie/laravel-blade. You may optionally publish the config file: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\GoogleFonts\GoogleFontsServiceProvider "--tag= " google-fonts-config " Here's what the config file looks like: Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . No account yet? Create one now! For now, follow the directions on Spatie's Laravel Google Analytics package for It is possible to create options from the Spatie model states package like this: Options :: forStates ( RingState ::class); You can pass in a model like this (otherwise, a temporary model is created): README. Support For This Project A Laravel Analytics widget collection for Statamics Control Panel. Register the routes the feeds will be displayed on using the feeds-macro. json. First, you should create a stats class. composer require spatie/laravel-feed. 567,533 124. Using this package you can easily retrieve data from Google Analytics 4. This package contains a PackageServiceProvider that you can use in your packages to easily register config files, migrations, and more. It is built extend from Spatie Laravel Permission. The QueryBuilder used in this package extends Laravel's default Eloquent builder. Here's a quick example where we are going to track the number of analytics - google - laravel - reports - retrieve - spatie. Here's an example of how it can be used. Contributing. The schemaless attributes will be stored in a json column on the table of your model. Packagist The PHP Package Repository. View on Packagist; Retrieve data from composer require spatie/laravel-analytics Optionally, you can publish the config file of this package with this command: php artisan vendor:publish --tag="analytics-config" The following config file will be published in config/analytics. php providers array: \ Spatie \ Varnish \ VarnishServiceProvider::class. Using this package you can create beautiful dashboards. Here are a few examples of the provided methods: In this repo on GitHub, you'll find a demo Laravel application that uses the laravel-livewire-wizard package to create a simple checkout flow. Publish the components and views: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " laravel-analytics-components " php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " analytics GA4 integration for laravel 8. Comments. return [ /* * The view id of which you want to display This is the Laravel version of our menu package adds some extras like convenience methods for generating URLs and macros. Install the package by running this command in your terminal/cmd: composer README. The package works composer require spatie/laravel-model-states. About Laravel Google Analytics v4. x, 6. Usually, all of For php 5. Spatie\LaravelQueuedDbCleanup\Events\CleanDatabasePassStarting. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details. This package contains a mail transport called preview. Form component This guide assumes that you've already set up your model attach tags as per Spatie's documentation . This means custom emoji's are also supported. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a Laravel cache busting tip. Here's a litte demo of how you can use it: activity ()-> log (' Look mum, I logged something '); . Clean up unneeded records. But we didn't stop with the regular tagging capabilities you find in A Laravel package to backup your application. Postcardware composer require spatie/laravel-honeypot. */ ' output_modifier ' => \ Spatie \ WebTinker \ OutputModifiers \ PrefixDateTime::class, /* * These middleware will be assigned to every WebTinker route, giving you the chance * to add your own use Spatie \ DiscordAlerts \ Facades \ DiscordAlert; DiscordAlert:: message (" A message **with some bold statements** and _some italicized text_. # Create a dump php artisan snapshot:create my-first-dump # Make some changes to your db # # Create another dump php artisan snapshot:create my-second-dump # Load up the first dump php artisan snapshot:load my-first-dump # Load composer require spatie/laravel-deleted-models To create the deleted_models table, you can publish and run the migrations with: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " deleted-models-migrations " php artisan migrate You should let your model implement the Spatie\PersonalDataExport\ExportsPersonalData interface. be instead of using the issue tracker. Here's an example where we are going to export the user count to Prometheus. We've stuck to the default Tailwind config classes. laravel-permission composer require spatie/laravel-stats. Here's a quick example: use Spatie \ RouteAttributes \ Attributes \ Get; class MyController { #[Get (' my-route ')] public function myMethod () { } }. Laravel package to get insights in Google Analytics v4 data. Remember me Use Github Log in. It can also automatically log model events. You can pass any variable you want to ld. Spatie is a webdesign agency in Antwerp, Belgium. Use short class names in an Artisan Tinker session. 0 uses the new Google Analytics 4 Data API. README. x or 7. A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics. By default, it will run every minute. Monitor the health of a Laravel application. Last update: 2024-09-06 14:51:36 UTC Spatie\ShortSchedule\Events\ShortScheduledTaskStarting. ld (' a string ', [' an array '], new Class ()); All arguments will be converted to strings and will be written to the application log using the info level. This attribute will automatically register this route: If you need Laravel 8 support, you can install v2 of the package using composer require spatie/laravel-schedule-monitor:^2. php: composer require spatie/laravel-cronless-schedule --dev Usage. Fired when a new pass starts in the cleanup process. Edit, send and track transactional emails directly in Mailcoach; Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . composer require spatie/laravel-webhook-server. html ()-> span ()-> text ( ' Hello world! Element attributes and contents are modified via with fluent methods which return a Suggests. To clear the database it'll first rollback all migrations by using the down method in each migration. laravel-model-cleanup. Google Tag Manager. This package truly shines when we need to define types for both PHP and TypeScript, and keep them in sync. com instead of using the issue tracker. It can be conveniently integrated into PHP Scraper, for example. This works great, but it does not follow the example solution of the json:api spec. return [ /* * The view id of which you want to display Retrieve data from Google Analytics. It's easily solved by just adding a status field to that model and be done with it. If you The spatie/laravel-activitylog package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your app. composer require spatie/laravel-route-attributes. php Route:: feeds (); Optionally, you can pass a string as a first argument of the macro. Licenses cost $5 and can be purchased from the Statamic Marketplace. php run: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " newsletter-config " This will publish a file newsletter. While the code is open-source, it's important to remember that you'll need to purchase a license before using this addon in production. Performance Analytics: Insights into slow outgoing requests, You can listen for these events. You must publish and run migrations: php artisan vendor: The spatie/laravel-activitylog package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your app. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\RouteAttributes\RouteAttributesServiceProvider "--tag= " config " This is the contents of the published config file: Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . You can use modern CSS features like grid and flexbox to create beautiful PDFs. You must publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\GitHubWebhooks\GitHubWebhooksServiceProvider "--tag= " github-webhooks-config " This is the contents of the config file that will be published at config/github // a Laravel specific base class use Spatie \ Enum \ Laravel \ Enum; /** * @method static self DRAFT() * @method static self PREVIEW() * @method static self PUBLISHED() * @method static self ARCHIVED() */ final class StatusEnum extends Enum {} Model Attribute casting. The package will automatically register itself for Laravel 5. json file: "scripts": { "post-update-cmd": [ " @php artisan spatie-stub:publish --force "] } Usage. This package allows you to filter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request. In the get method, the caster will construct a Data::class with the repository properties. By default it will cache all successful get-requests that return text based content (such as html and A Laravel package to retrieve Google Analytics data. Learn how to create a package like this one, by watching Spatie's premium video course: Spatie invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. Laravel installation Though the package works fine in non-Laravel projects we included some niceties for our fellow artistans. If you are using Laravel < 5. php in your config-directory with these contents: All sites owned by EU citizens or targeted towards EU citizens must comply with a crazy EU law. If you're using laravel 5, check out our laravel-analytics package! Spatie is a webdesign Retrieve data from Google Analytics. How we manage and build open source at spatie. Security. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app. Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . That example expects the query builder paginator to listen to the page[number] and page[size] request parameters. Send marketing emails with all the features you need—including segmentation, split README. Browse; Submit; Create account; Sign in. They all have one public property, cleanConfig, which is an instance of Spatie\LaravelQueuedDbCleanup\CleanConfig. 2 (php 8. Last update: 2024-09-02 14:14:30 UTC Build your blog or site with Laravel like with the tools you're used to having and export it to be hosted statically. 2. Filament support for `spatie/laravel-translatable`. Documentation is available at https://spatie. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " remote-config " This is the contents of the published config file: Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . Laravel has a migrate:refresh command to build up the database using migrations. All you need to do is let your job implement the empty ArtisanDispatchable interface. php protected $ middlewareGroups = [ ' web ' => [ // README. Laravel 7. The dashboard consists of tile which are, under the hood, Livewire components that can update themselves via polling. This package is the official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics. This is what that interface looks like: namespace Spatie \ PersonalDataExport; interface ExportsPersonalData { public function selectPersonalData (PersonalDataSelection $ personalDataSelection): void; public function personalDataExportName (): string; } composer require spatie/laravel-log-dumper Usage. namespace Spatie \ Searchable; interface Searchable { public function getSearchResult (): SearchResult; } Laravel 9 should work, but is not extensively tested. This will allow you to write logic based on the notifications your app has sent. You must publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\GitHubWebhooks\GitHubWebhooksServiceProvider "--tag= " github-webhooks-config " This is the contents of the config file that will be published at config/github composer require spatie/laravel-webhook-client Configuring the package. Support For This Project README. and select: Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider. css') }} " > Multiple files: This package is auto-updated. This package can calculate public holidays for a country. I have learnt a lot from Spatie's various packages, including Mailcoach, and would recommend you check them out if you want to know more. A Laravel package to use Measurement Protocol for Google Analytics 4. It provides insights into various aspects of your Laravel application's performance, including cache usage, exceptions, queues, servers, and more. You must publish the configuration with this command: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\GoogleCalendar\GoogleCalendarServiceProvider " This will publish a file called google-calendar. This Laravel package can cache an entire response. composer require spatie/laravel-varnish. You can create your own behaviour by composer require spatie/laravel-queueable-action. A Laravel package to backup your application. Cross domain analytics is hard. Using this package you can easily retrieve data from Google Analytics. php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\Honeypot\HoneypotServiceProvider "--tag=config. composer require spatie/laravel-signal-aware-command Usage. composer require spatie/laravel-github-webhooks. php: composer require spatie/laravel-analytics-tracker. An opinionated package to retrieve Google Analytics data. A laravel-data specific object is just a regular PHP object that extends from Data: use Spatie \ LaravelData \ Data ; class SongData extends Data { public function __construct ( public string $ title , public string $ artist , ) { } } composer require spatie/laravel-analytics-tracker. This package will delete old files from directories. This package allows you to post events to Google Analytics 4 from your Laravel backend. The package will automatically register itself. Laravel Workflow is not officially related to the Laravel trademark or Taylor Otwell. 0; Requires (Dev) fakerphp/faker: ^1. Declaring what should be preloaded or prefetched is simple, just make sure preload or prefetch is part of the chunk name. This is an experimental feature that is not API stable yet. There are three ways to handle composer require spatie/laravel-analytics Optionally, you can publish the config file of this package with this command: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" The following config file will be published in config/analytics. Support Spatie by purchasing licenses composer require spatie/laravel-analytics Optionally, you can publish the config file of this package with this command: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" The following config file will be published in config/analytics. This package provides a Filament page that you can monitor the health of your application by registering checks using the spatie/laravel-health package. . Be aware this plugin use the new Dependency Injection Container. Any jobs that are not allowed will be released for 5 seconds. This package allows you to manage user permissions and roles in a database. Preparing the database. Compatible with PHP >= 5. 0; Requires (Dev) fakerphp/faker seamlessly integrated into your Laravel application. 13; and helpful analytics. It can send campaigns to list of any size. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\ModelStates\ModelStatesServiceProvider "--tag= " model-states-config " This is the content of the published config file: README. @ livewire (' adminetic. Supported Laravel versions. You can support us by buying one of our paid README. laravel-analytics. Optionally you can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\HttpLogger\HttpLoggerServiceProvider "--tag= " config " This is the contents of the published config file: Automatically restart Horizon when local PHP files change Filament Laravel Pulse is a package designed to enhance your Filament dashboard with comprehensive monitoring widgets. These can be used to quickly save the state of a process, update, migration, etc to a model, without having to spatie/laravel-ignition works for Laravel 8 and 9 applications running on PHP 8. If you only need the league/commonmark extension to highlight code, head over to spatie/commonmark-shiki-highlighter. Usage A simplistics analytics viewer for your Filament dashboard. The entire public directory also gets added to the bundle so your assets are in place too. This package adds a jsonPaginate @ livewire (' adminetic. namespace Spatie \ Searchable; interface Searchable { public function getSearchResult (): SearchResult; } README. Share your Laravel errors to Flare. The views included in this package all use TailwindCSS classes. If namespace App \ Http \ Controllers; use Illuminate \ Routing \ Middleware \ ValidateSignature; use Spatie \ RouteDiscovery \ Attributes \ Route; class MyController { #[Route (middleware: ValidateSignature::class)] public function myMethod { /* */} } Support us. php in your config directory with the following contents: return [ /* * The driver to use to interact with MailChimp API. 5 the package will autoregister itself. Installation README. To apply the middleware just add the Spatie\RateLimitedMiddleware\RateLimited to the middlewares of your job. The easiest way to work with the packagist API. Once installed you can do stuff like this: // Adding permissions to a Tools for creating Laravel packages. filament / spatie-laravel-media composer require spatie/laravel-newsletter. When using Laravel Mix to manage your frontend cache busting, you can use it to your advantage to bust pjax's cache. Pratik README. php. No account yet? Create one now! Search by . Browse; Submit; Create account; spatie/laravel-package-tools: Official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics. You must publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\StripeWebhooks\StripeWebhooksServiceProvider " This is the contents of the config file that will be published at config/stripe-webhooks. By default, the middleware will only allow 5 jobs to be executed per second. Mailcoach Self-Hosted lets you manage your contact lists and send marketing, automated and transactional emails from within Laravel. php file. Here are a few examples of the provided methods: use Spatie \ Analytics \ Period; //fetch the most visited pages for today and the past week Analytics:: fetchMostVisitedPages (Period:: days (7)); //fetch visitors and page views for the past week Analytics:: Laravel package to get insights in Google Analytics v4 data. Introduction. composer require spatie/laravel-permission Optional: The service provider will automatically get registered. A Laravel Nova tool for Spatie's Server Monitor library. Last update: 2024-09-06 14:51:36 UTC A dashboard for Laravel. 23; laravel/pint: ^1. Using an alternative frequency composer require spatie/laravel-support-bubble Include TailwindCSS. composer require spatie/laravel-analytics-tracker. You must publish and run the migrations with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\Stats\StatsServiceProvider "--tag= " stats-migrations " php artisan migrate Usage Step 1: create a stats class. This package can crawl and index your entire site. composer require spatie/laravel-searchable Usage Preparing your models. Here are a few examples of the provided methods: use Spatie \ Analytics \ Facades \ Analytics; use Spatie \ Analytics \ Period; //fetch the most Retrieve data from Google Analytics. Last update: 2024-09-02 14:00:37 UTC Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel 9 and above (using Flysystem v3 and its own GCS adapter). This package can register jobs as Artisan commands. x; Installation. composer require keepcloud/pagarme Automatically creating data objects from request data and validating them. * * In most cases, you can use the default implementation. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --tag= " responsecache-config " This is the contents of the published config file: Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . Retrieve all data like pageviews, events, ecommerce transactions and more from Google Analytics version 4 using the Google API. Looking for Ignition for Laravel 5. A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics - spatie/laravel-analytics. Support us We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages . use Spatie \ DiscordAlerts \ Facades \ DiscordAlert; DiscordAlert:: message (":smile Easily debug Laravel apps. Back in 2015 when we first began developing open source packages and tools for Laravel and PHP, we couldn't have imagined the overwhelming support and feedback we'd receive from the community. Last update: 2024-08-30 18:04:26 UTC Filament support for `spatie/laravel-medialibrary`. 0). Last update: 2024-09-08 06:55:27 UTC Laravel 5 version: spatie/laravel-googletagmanager. x; Laravel 9. This is a lightweight package to send flash messages in Laravel apps. This package helps you to keep track of the visitor's original UTM parameters, referer header and other analytics parameters. Next if you use Laravel you must publish the config-file composer require spatie/laravel-sluggable Usage. Version 4. This law requires a dialog to be displayed to inform the users when you are using tracking cookies. php file: composer require spatie/laravel-github-webhooks. Automate your email marketing and create powerful workflows for onboarding or generating leads. This package makes it easy to let a user download an export containing all the personal data. If you discover any security related issues, please email pratikdai404@gmail. Looking for Laravel 8 support? Use the v1 branch! Support us. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\WebhookServer\WebhookServerServiceProvider " This is the contents of the file that will be published at config/webhook-server. Install the package by running this command in your terminal/cmd: $ package-> name (' your-package-name ') -> hasViewComponents (' spatie ', Alert::class); This will register your view components with Laravel. To publish the config file to config/newsletter. All activity will be stored in the activity_log table. We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. Installation For Laravel versions 6 & 7 or PHP 7, use version 1. Automatically resolve validation rules for properties within a data object. use Spatie \ SignalAwareCommand \ SignalAwareCommand; class YourCommand extends SignalAwareCommand { // your code} Handling signals. This package provides a simple way to create PDFs in Laravel apps. Under the hood it leverages Glide to perform the manipulations. No additional setup necessary. env and add your ANALYTICS_VIEW_ID README. An example implementation of spatie/laravel-twitter-streaming-api. composer require spatie/laravel-prefixed-ids Preparing your models. This package will log all the notifications sent by your app. smtp. // app/Http/Kernel. Finally, you can also use Mailcoach to send transactional mails. "); Emoji's. The package works via a middleware that needs to be added to the web stack in your kernel. php file: 'providers' => [ // Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider::class, ]; You should publish the README. To use the preview transport, change the mailers. You must publish and run migrations: php artisan vendor: Install module: composer require yajra/analytics-module Publish config: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" Update . In case you don't need the markdown support, but want to highlight code directly, take a look at spatie/shiki-php. But in case you need a history of status changes or need to store some extra info on why a status changed, just adding a single Support Spatie. A Laravel package to retrieve Google Analytics data. Abandoned! See 50onred/laravel-blade At Spatie, we are a fan of Inertia. But what if you don't use the down method inside your projects? The migrate:refresh command will fail Filament Laravel Pulse is a package designed to enhance your Filament dashboard with comprehensive monitoring widgets. This package provides an easy to use class to manipulate images. without editing your site code. To perform an extra run of the scheduler, just press enter. This package can export key metrics of your app to Prometheus. Last update: 2024-08-27 16:29:46 UTC . Be aware using cookies for a site/web app that is not used for tracking (for Add an `all` or `none` robots header to your requests via a middleware in Laravel laravel-tags. composer require spatie/laravel-schemaless-attributes. namespace App \ Models; use Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model; use Spatie \ PrefixedIds \ Models \ Concerns \ HasPrefixedId; class YourModel extends Model composer require spatie/laravel-analytics Optionally, you can publish the config file of this package with this command: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider" The following config file will be published in config/analytics. Performance Analytics: Insights into slow outgoing requests, README. This will make your controllers a bit lighter. You can create a view model by extending the provided Spatie\ViewModels\ViewModel. Make sure to register this middleware after the StartSession middleware. TL;DR. Filament Google Analytics. This is the content of the config file that will be published at config/honeypot. Here's an example of how the package can be used: composer require spatie/laravel-google-fonts. Once installed you can do stuff like this: //adding permissions to a user $ user-> givePermissionTo (' edit articles '); //adding permissions via a role $ user-> assignRole (' writer '); $ user2-> assignRole (' writer '); $ role-> README. radiorarefish. Upgrading from version 1? For more information, check out Spatie's documentation. Let's add that column and prepare the model. A Laravel package to retrieve data from Google Analytics 4 using the GA4 Query Explorer. Simply include the mix method as the content of the x-pjax-version meta tag: < meta http-equiv =" x-pjax-version" content =" {{ mix('/css/app. In order to search through models you'll have to let them implement the Searchable interface. In order to make an Artisan command signal aware you need to let it extend SignalAwareCommand. This is how you can start the cronless schedule: php artisan schedule:run-cronless. */ ' runnable_solutions_guard ' => Spatie \ LaravelErrorSolutions \ Support \ RunnableSolutionsGuard::class, ]; Optionally, you can publish the views using spatie/laravel-mailcoach: ^8. x - Fork from spatie/laravel-analytics - A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. Note: this package uses Laravel Analytics, so you need to configure it in your config/analytics. In Laravel 5. Last update: 2024-07-23 15:46:47 UTC . Add the Spatie\Onboard\Concerns\GetsOnboarded trait and Spatie\Onboard\Concerns\Onboardable interface to any model or class in your app, for example the User model: class User extends Model implements \ Spatie \ Onboard \ README. return [ /* * The view id of which you want to display composer require spatie/laravel-stripe-webhooks. It does this by providing an easy way to register metrics. php: composer require spatie/laravel-interacts-with-payload Usage. If you want to keep your stubs up to date with every update, add this composer hook to your composer. Installation. Manually triggering a run. We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our In this post on Laravel News, Tim MacDonald shares how you can use this package to power a settings function. That should take care of that error. Browse; Submit; Create account; ####This package is an updated fork of spatie/laravel-utm-forwarder. spatie/7to5: Composer said no to spatie/7to5; spatie/analytics-reports: Composer said no to spatie/analytics-reports; spatie/analytics-statistics: Composer composer require spatie/laravel-queueable-action. spatie/laravel-mailcoach: ^8. Add flags to Eloquent models. Version info@spatie. Spatie\ShortSchedule\Events\ShortScheduledTaskStarting. Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently. This is an opinionated Laravel 4 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. be +32 3 292 56 79. You can think of it as private Google search. Pirsch for Laravel. x; Laravel 8. Speed up an app by caching the entire response. php: A package to enable assigning statuses to Eloquent Models. Using an alternative frequency composer require spatie/laravel-stubs --dev. Optionally, you can publish the config file of the package. If you're not already using TailwindCSS, you can easily include it from their CDN: Packagist maintenance and hosting provided by . On each model that needs a prefixed id, you should use the Spatie\PrefixedIds\Models\Concerns\HasPrefixedId trait. Always wanted type safety within PHP and TypeScript without duplicating a lot of code? Then you will like this package! A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. x; Laravel 10. use Illuminate \ Contracts \ Queue \ ShouldQueue; use Spatie \ ArtisanDispatchable \ Jobs \ ArtisanDispatchable; class ProcessPodcast implements composer require spatie/laravel-view-components. 5, you also need to add Varnish\VarnishServiceProvider to your config/app. Total downloads on packagist. Make it possible The above is a caster for the spatie/laravel-data package, within its constructor, the type will be a specific Data class, for example, SongData::class. This package offers integration to GA4 properties with some out of the box methods. , /* * These are the analytics parameters that will be tracked when a user first visits * the application. A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics - Packages · spatie/laravel-analytics A Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics - spatie/laravel-analytics Using this package you can easily retrieve data from Google Analytics. You can optionally publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\QueueableAction\QueueableActionServiceProvider "--tag= " config " This is the contents of the published config file: return [ /* * The job class that will be dispatched. No replacement package was suggested. GitHub. What gets crawled and indexed can be highly customized. 0 and above. The configuration consists of the parameter's key and the * source to extract this key from. This package offers taggable behaviour for your models. be. php in your config-directory with these contents: Dispatch Laravel jobs via Artisan. composer require spatie/laravel-rate-limited-job-middleware Usage. When looking at the HTML of a rendered page, it might not be obvious to you anymore which Blade view is responsible for which HTML. You can publish the config file with: php artisan vendor:publish --provider= " Spatie\WebhookClient\WebhookClientServiceProvider "--tag= " webhook-client-config " This is the contents of the file that will be published at config/webhook-client. This package allows to save permissions and roles in a database. // typically, in a service provider use Laravel \ Horizon \ WaitTimeCalculator; use Spatie \ DynamicServers \ Facades \ DynamicServers; use Spatie \ DynamicServers \ Support \ DynamicServersManager; /* * The package will call the closure passed * to `determineServerCount` every minute */ DynamicServers:: determineServerCount A reporter determines what should be done when a link is crawled and when the crawling process is finished. Last update: 2024-08-27 15:07:36 UTC . composer require spatie/laravel-google-calendar. Aim is to simplify building crawler applications or adding a crawler to an existing Laravel project. composer require spatie/laravel-ciphersweet. The package includes a script & styling for a cookie banner and a modal where the visitor can select his/her cookie preferences. ⚠️ If you are interested to step on as the main maintainer of this package, please reach out to me!. Instalação. $ expiresAt = now ()-> addDay (); $ user-> sendWelcomeNotification ($ expiresAt); Support us UNFINISHED & NOT ON PACKAGIST! Keeps track of the original UTM (or other analytics) parameters. If you're using Laravel 5, take a look at this package. Your Eloquent models should use the Spatie\Sluggable\HasSlug trait and the Spatie\Sluggable\SlugOptions class. // In routes/web. Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed You can publish the Google Analytics config file with: php artisan vendor:publish. Transform PHP types to TypeScript. Reload to refresh your session. Elements—classes under the Spatie\Html\Elements namespace—are generally created via a Spatie\Html\Html builder instance. The service provider will automatically register itself. GitHub Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Mastodon YouTube This package is auto-updated. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a $ package-> name (' your-package-name ') -> hasViewComponents (' spatie ', Alert::class); This will register your view components with Laravel. composer require spatie/laravel-cronless-schedule --dev Usage. 5+. This package provides Artisan commands to quickly dump and load databases in a Laravel application. Docs Laravel-tags Introduction. A modern backup solution for Laravel apps. If you want to use another log level, you can just call the method you The functionality of this package is built into Laravel 5. You signed out in another tab or window. The notification contains a secure link to a screen where the user can set an initial password. Google Tag Manager allows you manage tracking and marketing optimization with AdWords, Google Analytics, et al. Are you a visual learner? In this video on YouTube, you'll see a demo of all of the features. composer require spatie/laravel-log-dumper Usage. You can use a configuration file to specify the maximum age of a file in a certain directory. composer require spatie/laravel-login-link. The trait contains an abstract method getSlugOptions() that you must implement yourself. use Spatie \ InteractsWithPayload \ Facades \ AllJobs; AllJobs:: add (' extraValue ', fn() => ' My extra value ') A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. The package works . me com o Laravel. This project is not affiliated, associated, endorsed, or sponsored by Taylor Otwell, nor has it been reviewed, tested, or certified by Taylor Otwell. The use of the trademark "Laravel" is for informational and descriptive purposes only. You can retrieve all activity using the composer require spatie/laravel-searchable Usage Preparing your models. Using other log levels. You switched accounts on another tab or window. You can support us by buying one of our paid products. This repository contains the code for these widgets. Products; Open Source; Courses; Web Development; Vacancies About Blog Docs Guidelines Log in. Install the package via composer: composer require lancodev/laravel-analytics. Please report any issues you might find! A set of classes to use Spatie's crawler with Laravel. The string will be used as a URL prefix for all configured feeds. After the package is installed the only thing you have to do is add the HasTags trait to an Eloquent model to make it taggable. be/docs/menu . 0 17. A few example use cases for this package: You can replace this with * any class that implements \Spatie\WebTinker\OutputModifiers\OutputModifier. Such an export consists of a zip file containing all the user properties and related info. This package provides two reporters: Spatie\LinkChecker\Reporters\LogBrokenLinks and Spatie\LinkChecker\Reporters\MailBrokenLinks. Here are a few examples of the provided methods: use Analytics; use Spatie\Analytics\Period; //fetch When a new PHP or Laravel version comes out, our team spends time to make sure the test suite is running correctly and that a new package version is tagged. To add a value to all jobs call the add method on the AllJobs facade with a name and a closure that returns the value. This package is auto-updated. It has these public properties: command: the command string that will be executed; process: the instance of Symfony\Component\Process\Process that will be used to execute the command; spatie/laravel-ignition works for Laravel 8 and 9 applications running on PHP 8. If you're using laravel 5, Este pacote é uma integração da API do pagar. All activity will be An opinionated package to retrieve Google Analytics data. Edited to be able to use for lower php versions In this repo on GitHub, you'll find a demo Laravel application that uses the laravel-livewire-wizard package to create a simple checkout flow. composer require spatie/laravel-view-models Usage. In a vanilla Laravel application the query builder paginators will listen to page request parameter. Here are a few examples of the provided methods: useSpatie\Analytics\Facades\Analytics; Using this package you can easily retrieve data from Google Analytics. The config file is documented, so choose the option that best suits your needs. You can use the same emoji codes as in Discord. \ App \ Models \ NewsItem:: first (); You signed in with another tab or window. 5 and above, only install this in older Laravel versions. Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. In the case of Alert::class, it can be referenced in views as <x-spatie-alert />, where spatie is This package is auto-updated. Mailcoach is an affordable platform for all things mail. Below are some examples. README An artisan command to build up the database from scratch. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website. Drops support for PHP 8. Laravel Google Analytics. google-analytics ') Testing composer test Changelog. 0; Drops support for Laravel 9; Removes FourteenDayActiveUsersMetric metric which is not available in GA4; The required environment variable ANALYTICS_VIEW_ID has been renamed to composer require spatie/laravel-onboard Usage. Use the simple and yet powerful Laravel Blade templating engine as a standalone component. Using this package you can send a WelcomeNotification to a new user of your app. transport to preview in your config/mail. Postcardware A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data. Laravel cookie consent modal. composer require spatie/laravel-webhook-client Configuring the package. Imagine you want to have an Eloquent model hold a status. This means all your favorite A package to enable assigning statuses to Eloquent Models. composer require spatie/laravel-responsecache. You can publish the stubs using this command: php artisan spatie-stub:publish Testing composer test composer require spatie/laravel-http-logger. It also provides flexible email automation to set up drip campaigns and more. If you're using Laravel 5, take a look at this What It Does. Menu. By parsing PHP files and transforming them into TypeScript type Search in our massive list of open source packages for Laravel & JavaScript. Here's Analytics Statistics: Retrieve data from Google Analytics. ⚠️ This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. use Spatie \ Holidays \ Holidays; // returns an array of Belgian holidays // for the current year $ holidays = Holidays:: for (' be ')-> get (); Support us. Quickly visit any route of your Laravel app Bellows plugin to integrate Fathom Analytics into your app. If you want to use the facade to access the class, you'll need to change use Spatie\Analytics\Analytics; to use Analytics;. Você pode instalar o pacote via composer. spdz wiuvhpc wxn wjxirm ebvhx oreh obnfb cpgx rip jgkfnsijj